
Friday, August 26, 2011

Adios for now!

Hi everyone! Today is my last day at home, tomorrow I move in early at school. I won't have much time for creating once I'm there. Classes start Monday, provided hurricane Irene doesn't mess with the campus. My prayers are with everyone who will be affected by the hurricane. Thanks to everyone who is a fan and supports my work! Love and cookies for everyone!
But anyways, I'm going to say adios for now, since I don't know when I'll be back :)
Good luck to everyone going to school!


  1. Gonna miss you and your beautiful creations! ='(
    Good lucky!

  2. Good luck with your classes, I hope you have fun! :^)

  3. Good Luck! Man, i love you so much, you make awesome stuff, but you comes first, so have good time. :D

  4. Good luck! :) I hope you find the time to come back and share your amazing creations with us !
