
Monday, February 27, 2012

Boots 3Dsockified!

You like boots? You like 3D stuffz? You'll love deeze bootz.

Where do I begin? So I own these boots in real life and I was thinking, "Hey I've never tried to make shoes before." So off I went trying to make these boots for TS3. Well.... it wasn't as easy as I thought.

These were pretty darn difficult because there are so many things I've never face before in making clothing.
I will release the desockified version sometime soon :)

Anyways, here they are for you to enjoy!

Now for the technical stuff.
These boots are for T-A females. They can be found in everyday, formal, and athletic categories. There are 4 recolorable channels, and 3 different texture designs that change the sock patterns. There are custom morphs for each morph state.

These boots WILL clip with MOST pants that go past the ankles.

Custom content used on the models:
the adult is wearing this hair.
the teen is wearing this hair.
both of them have this skin.

I'd like to take the time to thank everyone who has helped me with these boots, most importantly whiterider (who answered every question she possibly could), cmarNYC and bloomsbase for helping me with morphs, Elexis for also answering every question I asked, and everyone in #create who ooh'd and ahh'd my progress :)
Also thanks to everyone who created all of the tools used to make these.


  1. Omg Traelia! These are awesome! <3 Not only are you a pose master, you can make shoes too! *bows* Your awesomeness knows no bounds @.@

  2. These are gorgeous! I can't wait to have them in my game, thanks Traelia! :)

  3. Wow love them!! And they are great with the socks!

  4. Your amazing. Don't stop creating! EVER!

  5. These are so amazing, I am really excited for the de-sockified version!

  6. Gorgeous !
    Traelia ... could you create something like these shoes:

  7. can i get help with trying to download this?
