
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Peggy 818 Retexture (and bow removal) toddler-elder!

I saw this on Peggy's site and thought, "GOOD GOD THAT GIRL NEEDS TO REDYE HER ROOTS!" So I figured now is good a time as any to try a retexture!

I hope you enjoy this cute as a button hair!

It's enabled for toddler-elder females. There's an option with a bow and without a bow. I also got rid of those horrifying whispy pieces of hair on the back of the neck. You can have both in your game at once. The mesh is included but all credit for it go to Peggy.
The bow is recolorable!

Download Bow Version (t-e)

Download No Bow Version (t-e)

Download Bow Version (child)

Download No Bow Version (child)

Download Bow Version (toddler)


  1. Hair looks better
    thanks ^_^
    (love your works)

  2. Oh, I want this. It's just a shame it's not available for toddlers.

  3. Oh! I'll go see if Peggy made it for toddler and kids, and I'll retexture that too. :D

  4. I love the no bow version
    Thankl you^^

  5. ooh! So Pretty! You're getting so good at everything!!
    Thank you Trae! :)
    I love it! much better than the original!

  6. Hi tralia, the child and toddler version aren't linked properly, just goes to a generic page on cloudshare. Thanks for the adult verions though. Love them!

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. I was wondering why there's not a 'no bow' version for toddlers. =3

    1. I did try to make a no bow version, but the hair ended up being completely black no matter what color the hair was supposed to be. Instead of pulling my hair out trying to fix it, I just figured that toddlers look cute with the bow.

  9. Tooo cute for words. Thanks bunches
