
Monday, July 30, 2012

Milestone Picture Contest!!

I am holding a contest!!

Okay so here’s the deal! I did this before on Facebook, and I really liked the outcome of the whole process, plus it was fun!

All you have to do to enter the contest is take a picture with something I have made in the photo! It can be a pose, a hat, clothes, shoes anything! As long as there is at least one item made by me in the photo (It can’t be a painting only cause that’s lame!).

Photoshop to your heart’s content, keep it PG so that I can post these on Facebook, no violent themes, or anything that may be offensive. If you are in doubt of your idea being any of those, please send me an email and I will help you out!

In order to qualify, the picture MUST be sent to my email:
Please put the subject as “My entry for the Milestone Contest”, also include your name and tumblr url or facebook so I have a way to communicate with you quickly!  You can only submit one picture per person!! Please play fair, and don’t send multiple pictures on different accounts or anything :3

This way all the pictures can be kept secret until the voting starts! When it gets to the voting part, I will post more details on how that will work. :3

You have until Midnight EST August 3rd! 

Winner will receive a request of their choice provided it is not outrageous in nature. Preferably I would want to do a pose pack or clothing item, so keep that in mind!