Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Important Announcement

I have decided to take a break from creating for a while. School will be coming up soon for me, and I often get wrapped up in that and forget about creating.
Also, when I do create, I will slowly be stepping away from Mod the Sims. They are a lovely bunch of people, but I want to share my creations in a more relaxed way. I understand that is childish of me, but so what.
Everything will be available here eventually, and I mean everything I've ever made on MTS. I haven't decided if I'll be deleting the uploads off of MTS or not.
Anyways, everyone have a nice rest of the summer, and I hope everyone finds this site so they don't miss out on my stuff :)


  1. Sad News! But I totally understand that you have other things that require more of your time. So no worries, I hope the rest of your summer goes fantastic!!!

  2. Good luck with school! I know how stressful it is. It really takes away from everything in life. I wish you luck, and I'll still be following so when you do start making your lovely creations again, I'll be one of the first to see. :D

  3. Good round classes for you!
    always be here to post your work when you get back ..

  4. Taking a break is always a great idea! A nice way to put your mind in something else and create better stuff later :)
    And I'm feeling the same way at MTS, they are wonderful people and have helped me a lot, but you have to leave the nest at some point! Don't delete your stuff there, I wouldn't recommend that.
    Good luck with school T! :D

  5. Thank you for sharing your creativity and for your constant kind words of encouragement for your fans. You will be missed! Good luck with school. I look forward to your return :) ~ Valerie Nickey

  6. Thanks for the support everybody :) It really means alot to me.

  7. Awh sad to hear it Trae! Ill definitely miss your stuff for the time being, but I hope that youll still visit us in #create!

  8. Awww trae come back to #create from time to time k? :)

  9. Totally understand the move! Totally...

    And I know by lovely people, you mean me. :D

  10. i love your blog traelia you put heaps effort into it, please let me know when your taking requests again, id like to suggest some, p.s. have a great vacation
